After successful year 2011 I`ve decided to take year 2012 off from competing. But it all changed once I heard the rumor that UIBBN World Championships will be held for the first time in Slovakia, my home country. It was beginning of the year, January or February. I was thinking a lot […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
Načerpejte střevní mikroflóru a posilte váš imunitní systém na podzim! Dobré bakterie nalezené v probiotických doplňcích pomáhají překonat špatné bakterie a posilňuji imunitní systém zvýšením buněk imunitního systému nacházejícího se ve střevech. Když se mění roční období, v říjnu můžeme začít užívat vysoce účinné probiotiká, jako je například Udo`s Choice […]
The first time I drove there was in the summer of 2015 during my first San Diego visit. I couldn’t sleep all night, finally I woke up at 3:30 am and made some oatmeal from organic farm fresh eggs and oats with blueberries and drove 30 minutes to the World Gym […]
Fast forward to 2011. I was so excited I started with my contest prep couple of weeks earlier. In 2009 I was getting some help from Mezza, but this year I decided to do it on my own. The reason why I decided to do almost all qualifiers is that […]
After I came back to UK I had a plan already on how to train for next year. I read as many books as possible from all different kind of sources. My favorite book was from John Hansen – Natural Bodybuilding and two other books from Chris Aceto. I bought […]
After my first year competing I felt fantastic. I didn`t feel that great in many years. I found something I really love. I always knew that my place was in the gym but never thought about competing until now. I don`t remember taking any time off from training. I was […]
After my return back from Spain back to England I went back to work and “normal” life. I didn`t feel very good because I was almost 15kg overweight but I started with my regular weight training and also some cardio. People in the gym were making funny jokes about me, […]
I am going to write about my beginnings. Many people ask me why and how I started with bodybuilding… I didn`t start just once. I started lifting weights when I was about 14 years old in my home made gym ( built by my father ). Simple old school weights […]
I will write today about training for life. Not just regular “training”. Not just “bodybuilding training”, cross-fit training” etc. What I see every day in the gym is people even don`t know why they train. They don`t know how to train. They are not enjoying it. Who the hell on […]