Everyone is talking about getting big, getting jacked up, doing more pull ups, getting a bigger deadlift, benchpress… In the world we live in, there is plenty of great looking people, ripped up and looking like carved statues. But one thing that is more important is not how you look… […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
Drills were on the menu yesterday – I do them outside whenever possible, one or twice a week or if I feel I`ll do them after weight training session. Drills Combo: Skipping rope 3 rounds 100Hill sprints 3 rounds 3 sprints ( 3x sprints = 1 round ) Combo: TRX […]
Trained legs yesterday. Friday is a leg day for me for the past few years because my legs were always very strong and even on friday I can train them very hard. Here is the workout: Front machine squats 10r bar ( not sure how heavy is bar on this […]
Trained shoulders and calves yesterday. Here is the insight: Standing thick bar rack shoulder press 10r bar ( 55lbs ), 10r 2x25lbs + bar, 5r 2x45lbs +bar, 3r 2x55lbs + bar, 1r 185lbs, 1r 205lbs, 1r 215lbs, 1r 225lbs, 2x1r 235lbs/106,5kg *using fat gripz One-arm dumbbell laterals 12r 45lbs, 10r 55lbs each arm […]
I covered Monday session in previous blog where I trained chest, triceps and calves. I will cover today Tuesday session which was back, biceps, abs. Trap bar deadlift ( bar is 45 or more ) 10r bar, 10r 2x45lbs +bar, 10r 4x45lbs+bar, 5r 6x45lbs+bar, 3r 8x45lbs+bar, 1r 455lbs, 3x1r 495lbs/224kg […]
This week I am going to write about my recent training program. I have never felt stronger in my life. It is a bit scary as I know that the heavier I will go with weights the bigger chance that I might get injured. But I am listening to my […]
In this blog I am going to talk about recovery work. When we exercise, muscles are tearing apart but this help them to get bigger and stronger as they heal. Soreness only means there are changes occurring in those muscles. When you exercise, heart rate increases to circulate more oxygen […]
Power Rack Training. By Martin Petro WNBF Pro I`ve been training for many years now. I discovered Power Rack Training in 2012 and 2013 thank you Ian Duckett – lifetime Natural Bodybuilder, friend and great old school man. I never looked back. I`ve been training on and off in power […]
Your mind. Its no accident that one of the recurring themes for training success around here has been to maintain the right attitude. I don’t know if that alone will ultimately determine just how far someone will go since there are many other factors involved, but I sure can tell […]