Martin Petro Lifetime Natural Bodybuilder & Massage Therapy Specialist

Udo`s Choice for recovery

Essential Fatty Acids are important for every cell membrane to function at its best and if muscles and joints are to recover quickly after training then the cells that make up the muscles and joint tissues need to be able to work at their best.

Anyone who participates in sport, physical activity and/or exercise knows how frustrating suffering from an injury can be. While rest and recovery is essential, the right nutritional plan can also assist with the healing process.

Immediately after exercise and particularly an injury the healing process begins.  First of all ‘clean-up’ cells are sent to the injured area to remove damaged tissue. This is followed by an inflammatory response that includes laying down collagen fibres and rebuilding healthy connective tissue.  Nutritional support can help to speed up this process.

Omega 3 fatty acids help to produce chemical mediators which regulate inflammation, blood clotting, vascular dilation and immune suppression, which all help with recovery.

In a study undertaken in Denmark, athletes who were given Essential Fatty Acids by including Udo’s Choice Oil Blend in their diet, reported that they recovered quicker after exercise.

Many of the athletes involved in Ultra-running, a sport that pushes joints and muscles to the limit recommend Udo’s Choice Oil Blend for helping the recovery process as well as providing them with an ideal fuel source for endurance training.

A Balanced Diet

It is often difficult to achieve a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients that the body needs for optimum performance and this is particularly the case with the nutrients found in green foods.  You can give your greens intake a boost with Udo’s Choice Beyond Greens containing, not only seven different green foods but also digestive enzymes, soluble and insoluble fibre and Omega 3, 6 and 9.

“Since using Udo’s Oil I can travel further on less fuel and my recovery rate has improved meaning I can train harder! ” Martin Petro Wnbf Pro Natural Bodybuilding Champion




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