Are you ready to make the best gains of your life? Are you tired of wasting your time trying to find the right workout or diet that will give you the physique you want? Martin Petro is recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on Natural Bodybuilding. His 20 […]
Daily Archives: 25. December 2014
Matej Slivoň Martina Petra som oslovil ohľadne spolupráce mojej ďalšej prípravy po neúspešnej súťažnej sezóne v roku 2015, kde sme sa stretli na súťaži UKDFBA v Anglicku. Martin v ten večer získal svoju profesionálnu kartu a absolútne prvenstvo, mne súťaž nevyšla. V tom momente som vedel, že potrebujem vyhľadať […]
I first got involved in bodybuilding at only 14 years of age. Training hard throughout my teens I never entered any contest- just trained for myself to get better. Later when I moved to the UK in 2005, I went on to compete in my first natural bodybuilding contest in 2007. […]
Last few days were very hectic but still had to fit my workout before I left home for Christmas. Trained on Tuesady – Chest and Back Benchpress – 3 warm up sets; 2x5r 127,5kg Incline DB press – 8r 55kg, 5r 55kg + drop set 7r 30kg * some heavy weight […]