Martin Petro WNBF Pro Lifetime Natural Bodybuilder & Massage Therapy Specialist

Chest,shoulders,triceps 22.10.2014

Very cold and rainy day today – ideal for training šŸ™‚ I guess british weather prepared me for the worst weather that could possibly exist! Anyway…
Incline benchpress – 2x warm up sets then 12r 80kg, 10r 90kg, 8r 100kg, 6r 105kg
Flat DB benchpress – 8r 40kg, 8,6r 45kg
Incline DB fly – 10,8,6r 30kg
Dips – 9,8r + 30kg
Seated DB shoulder press – 9,6,6r 30kg then double drop set to 25kg 2r, 20kg 2r – not very strong today
Seated side laterals – 10r 15kg, 8r 17,5kg, 6r 20kg
Lying one-arm side laterals (on decline bench) – 3x10r 10kg
Triceps pushdowns – 10r 80kg, 8r 85kg, 8r 90kg
Seated Ez-bar triceps extensions – 8,6,6r 40kg+bar
Seated DB extension – 8,7r 35kg DB

All done in 70min. Foam rolling and stretching for recovery. Good session, still not 100% but getting there…
One funny story today – while typing behind my computer, “ladybug” landed on my screen – made me smilefor the rest of my day šŸ™‚

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