Drills this morning – trained in the park outside – one of my favorite place with beautiful view. The weather was great – loved it.
Hill run 150m – 3 rounds
Wooden steps – lots of them – huge hill all the way to top – 3 rounds – this was a killer!!
Combo: Hanging leg raises – toes over bar – hanging on big piece of wood – almost couldnt grab it – managed 12,10,10 reps
Push ups on the bench – 3 rounds of 20
Seated tucks – 3 rounds of 20
All done in 15 min. Great start of the day. Lots of fresh air and sunshine with beautiful autumn colors.
Every day and night I am reading and learning. I`m reading two books now as I tend to float back and forth from a few books when it comes to training. One is “Never let go” by Dan John and the other is “Legacy of Iron” by Brooks D. Kubik. They are awesome books, dialing in the science and practic of optimal training, listening to your athletes and treating each athlete as an individual. You cannot open a book without learning something…