In my previous blog I was talking about my competitive season from the start until UKDFBA where I`ve got my pro card. In this blog I will write up two more contests I entered in 2015. After UKDFBA in UK I made decision to compete in Switzerland Natural Cup on […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
Getting essential fats into your body is often the missing link in many people’s diet and can restrict athletic performance. Essential Fatty Acids provide your cells with the nutrition they need in order to function properly. Without them they do not operate as well as they could and this can […]
Here we go. Another blog. This time about my last summer which I spent in California, San Diego.I had an opportunity to go there with one of my client. It wasn`t easy to decide because I just started with my Udo`s Choice e-shop here in Prague, Czech republic and also […]
After winning UIBBN World Championships in 2012 i knew that next year ( 2013 ) is gonna be my year off from competing. I want always improve and I am never happy with how I look. So beside some powerlifting goals my main goal in bodybuilding was to improve my […]
V první řadě chci všem popřát Šťastný Nový rok 2016! Po dlouhé době se vracím zpátky k psaní mého blogu. Rok 2015 byl opravdu úspěšný. Kromě toho, že jsem opět vystoupil na soutěžní prkna, jsem v létě otevřel e-shop Udo’s Choice v Čechách i na Slovensku, a stal jsem se […]