Hi guys, I haven’t been here for a while. The last time what I remember was New Years Eve 2018 – I was in Italy, Rome and had a really great time flexing in front of the Colosseum. Year 2019 was a very busy year with lot of changes […]
Happy New Year 2018! Dream big and don`t be afraid to fail on your journey! Have a dream and go after it doesn`t matter what! Make sure you`ll make exercise your priority along healthy and natural eating. There is no better feeling than to look strong and sexy. But it wont […]
Even the weight loss can be fun, if you have the right knowledge! Achieve great results and get into the best shape of your life under the guidance of the World Champion in natural bodybuilding, nutritionist and personal trainer with almost ten years of experience in the field, Martina Petro.
My last blog was about winning my World Championships title with UIBBN back in 2012 in Slovakia. At that time I wasn`t even sure if I`ll be competing again… But you know saying, never say never… I had lots of setback after my win in 2012. I moved back to […]
After successful year 2011 I`ve decided to take year 2012 off from competing. But it all changed once I heard the rumor that UIBBN World Championships will be held for the first time in Slovakia, my home country. It was beginning of the year, January or February. I was thinking a lot […]
Načerpejte střevní mikroflóru a posilte váš imunitní systém na podzim! Dobré bakterie nalezené v probiotických doplňcích pomáhají překonat špatné bakterie a posilňuji imunitní systém zvýšením buněk imunitního systému nacházejícího se ve střevech. Když se mění roční období, v říjnu můžeme začít užívat vysoce účinné probiotiká, jako je například Udo`s Choice […]
The first time I drove there was in the summer of 2015 during my first San Diego visit. I couldn’t sleep all night, finally I woke up at 3:30 am and made some oatmeal from organic farm fresh eggs and oats with blueberries and drove 30 minutes to the World Gym […]
Fast forward to 2011. I was so excited I started with my contest prep couple of weeks earlier. In 2009 I was getting some help from Mezza, but this year I decided to do it on my own. The reason why I decided to do almost all qualifiers is that […]
After I came back to UK I had a plan already on how to train for next year. I read as many books as possible from all different kind of sources. My favorite book was from John Hansen – Natural Bodybuilding and two other books from Chris Aceto. I bought […]